
"It's not every day you get to enjoy the bottom layer of a chocolate pyramid." - The_Gnat

My Debut of HNT

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So you may or may not notice I've changed the look of my blog. I didn't like the old template at all so I sort of put together another one. I like it - for now.

On to the HNT (half nekkid thursday). I think it's a fun idea and a reason to take creative photos. Plus, who wouldn't like seeing half nekkid pictures of strangers once a week?! There's a link to the rules/descriptions on the sidebar. It will also give me a reason to try and post at least once a week.

So, here's my photo for today - it's a little shy but maybe i'll warm up in the weeks to come.

5 Responses to “My Debut of HNT”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    As a friend, I am not sure I want to see you half-nekkid. I followed the link and got a sample of other HNT sites and I saw things I would rather not see on people at the left end of the bell-curve-of-genetics.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Don't worry corkchop - I never said the pics had to be of myself.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Actually, I wouldnt mind seeing you half nekkid; I just want to not get blinded by the rest of them. Maybe we could have a rating system on the HNT that places each person along the attractive curve.

  4. Blogger Is it sync'd yet? 

    I have the ass end of the bell curve summed up.


  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I love the new site design!

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  • My Debut of HNT
  • Happy HNT! (*my favorite!)
  • Merry HNT!
  • Another Fabulous HNT!
  • One more Photo for HNT...(2005)
  • Happy New Year!
  • Compromise HNT...
  • Let me count the ways...
  • TGIHNT!! (thank god it's half nekkid thursday!)
  • February HNT
  • What is she looking at?!
  • Such a Slacker
  • Time for Mardi Gras HNT!!!
  • Artistic HNT

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