
"It's not every day you get to enjoy the bottom layer of a chocolate pyramid." - The_Gnat

Artistic HNT

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It's funny the process I go through to get a good photo. I don't know if I would call it anal but I go through many many ideas and photos before I get one that I really like. And if I don't REALLY like it - it doesn't get posted. No half ass for this chica.

I do, however need to learn when to move on and not dwell on a certian photo idea. I got very frustrated today because I couldn't get the shot I wanted - it just was not working out and I was damned and determined that I was going to keep trying until I got it right. I even started to get pissed off about it when I thought, ya know, I shouldn't get so upset. Photography is a hobby for me and I should be enjoying it. So I sat down and relaxed for a minute, when to give Ms Kitty some love - when I saw it. The painting in this photo is one I did a few weeks ago. I love the texture. So, I grabbed a paintbrush and the camera - and wham. This was one of the first photo's I took. Funny how things work like that.

I know it's not very sexy or revealing as a lot of others HNT photos are - but it's mine and I like it. I hope you enjoy seeing it.

8 Responses to “Artistic HNT”

  1. Blogger AndyT13 

    Cool as hell! HHNT!

  2. Blogger AndyT13 

    BTW I go through the same routine with all my artistic endeavors (hint: there's a LOT of them!) and invariable the first couple of passes produce the best result. I guess hammering away at an idea until you're shot is just part of the process. HHNT again! I LOVE the pic. Beautiful hand.

  3. Blogger Tess 

    It is a simple and elegant photo. It is quite beautiful. Happy HNT!!

  4. Blogger Bsoholic 

    Very creative post, that's what I go for myself.

    Happy HNT

  5. Blogger Just Me 

    I love your picture. I find it calming for some reason.

    Happy HNT!

  6. Blogger Osbasso 

    I think most of us have the same "issues" with our self-photography. And more often than not, the picture I ultimately use is one of the first ones, rather than the ones where I was getting frustrated! Great shot here!

  7. Blogger Moosekahl 

    HNT doesn't have to be sexy or reveling to be a beautiful picture. This shows your creativity in multiple media! Great photo, happy HNT

  8. Blogger ~Tim 

    Ooohh, I like this photo a lot!

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