What is she looking at?! - Happy HNT!
Published Thursday, February 09, 2006 by MiniMolli | E-mail this post

Today is a 2-fer. I couldn't resist posting this photo. My inspiration today came from none other than my crazy Ms Kitty. For some reason she was mesmerized by the shadows on the curtians. Occasionally the curtians would sway and she would try to attack a shadow as it seemed to move. Shortly after I took this photo she jumped to attack a shadow and fell off the side of the couch... crazy kitty. Maybe I should rename her Grace.
Beautiful picture...I love kitties! Happy HNT!
LOL I miss my kitties...
So funny when they jump to do something and they miss...they'll get a look like "I meant to do that"! Cracks me up.
Happy HNT! :)
Hi Jay, the cat is staring at the shadows on the curtian.
On a side note, you might notice I deleted your comment, your icon is a little to risque for my little blog. I do appricate your comment but could you change your icon if you comment again? thanks - mini
Very nice! Happy HNT!
Love the black and white!
Happy HNT!
great photos! HHNT!
Love these
Kitty HNTs are always fun =^..^= I like the pics :) Happy HNT!
I'm late..this is very pretty!! Love the addition of the kitty too!