Let me count the ways....
Published Thursday, January 19, 2006 by MiniMolli | E-mail this post

I love my shoes! Ok, I admit it... I love shoes. When I was younger I used to hate my feet. I remember thinking if there were one thing I could change about myself it would be my feet. As I grew older I discovered that my feet didn't look to damn bad in a nice pair of shoes. Enter my shoe obsession.

Here you can see a pair of my new shoes (I also bought them in green). You can't see it so much in these photos but the dark parts of the shoes actually have suttle little polka-dots on them.
Oh, happy HNT!
here if you don't understand what HNT is.
You know I did not like those shoes when you showed them to me last night, but DAMN! I like them now.
Your floor looks so clean, I would eat off of it.
Raygo is coming in town this weekend.