
"It's not every day you get to enjoy the bottom layer of a chocolate pyramid." - The_Gnat

Cold, Cold, go away!

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No, I'm not talking about the weather. Although it did dip into the 30's last night and the high for today is only 57 :( I guess I can't complain seeing as it is February. Anyhow, I'm talking about this stupid coughing (more like hacking) flu/cold shit that's going around. The cold itself is not so bad. Stuffy nose, itchy throat, head and chest congestion. The horrible part about it is that it's lasted for almost 2 weeks now!! One of my friends is rolling up on 3 weeks of nastiness. Ugh. Go away already!!! Not to mention that my hands look like someone took a cheese grater to them. They are very sensitive and this hot/cold weather yo-yo shit has sent them into dire straits. No matter how much lotion I put on them the tops of my hands actually burn and itch. Uck. Ok, enough bitching for today.

On another note, everything in my yard seems to be blooming. Here are some photo's I took this morning. The one on the left is the Japanese Magnolia tree. It's blooming like crazy right now but unfortunately has no leaves. Poor thing has been through hell with all the hurricanes. I'm not sure if it knows who it is right now.

Now the flowers below are a mystery to me. I had no idea this plant would bloom. It's more of a succulent than anything. Gnat, I bet you can't guess which plant this is from. I'm astonished by it.

1 Responses to “Cold, Cold, go away!”

  1. Blogger Jaxe 

    Mini, these shots are excellent. I love the feel of them and their power. Actually I scrolled down and the other shots are great too. Very nice to meet you, bella, happy (late) hnt. j

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