Mardi Gras Fever
Published Wednesday, February 22, 2006 by MiniMolli | E-mail this post

I've actually never been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Seems crazy since I live so close. It will happen some day. Not this year though - too many other things going on. This year I'm getting geared up for the local festivities. Gotta find my hot pink floor length beads. WOO HOO! Gnat got some pretty cool throws this year. Too bad I'm going to have to duck and run if he starts to throw any my way. Last year he tried to throw some beads that he had been saving all night for me. He wanted to make sure that I caught them and no one else had a chance of snagging them. I'm not sure if it was all the booze or all the excitement but he must have had a flashback to his baseball years. I watched him wind his arm and throw the beads straight at me. I honestly had no time to think or duck before they hit me square in the eye. Yup, that one stung. The beads were mighty nice though.
Do I now have to take my shirt off for those beads? LOL! Cheers and Happy HNT!
Cool! Only Mardi Gras pic I've seen for HNT so far...damn, why didn't I think of that!?!?
Happy HNT! :)
Love the picture, love the B&W and the way your neck looks.
Happy HNT,
LOVE this shot! Very nice..HHNT!
my..what big beads you have!!
Great shot...HHNT
I love the beads! I wish I was at Mardi Gras!
Happy HNT!!
Happy Mardi Gras and of course, happy HNT as well!