Peanuts for you...
Published Thursday, August 09, 2007 by MiniMolli | E-mail this post

Today is a tough day for me. My grandfather would have been 81. I probably would have sent him some assortment of peanuts and hem-hawed about calling, not knowing exactly what to say. He wasn't much for talking on the phone but his voice always perked up on the other end when I called. We would talk about the weather and his next visit. He would fill me in on the local basketball team's stats. He would thank me for the peanuts and say I shouldn't have - that all he cared about is hearing my voice. But I knew that he would enjoy that afternoon with a beer and peanuts watching some game on tv. It seems impossible sitting here today that I can't call and hear his voice - especially since that's all I seem to want to do.
Oh Molli, I know how you feel. Chin up, sweetie. I'm sure he's smiling at you.