Crazy kitty can't catch a break
Published Thursday, June 26, 2008 by MiniMolli | E-mail this post
Just when things were going well. We finally built a screened in enclosure for our outdoor cat PK. It extends off the back of the garage an has a kitty door into the garage so she can go in and out. We had been keeping her in for longer periods of time (especially at night) which reduced all the little scratches (and some big scratches and bites) from fights. Everything was going peachy, until...
Sunday morning I walk out to feed her and let her out to roam a bit. I found her sitting on top of her cat tower with a gash from one side of her face to the other, bleeding and sneezing... ugh. After a 2 1/2 hour trip to the vet emergency room and $300 bucks, she had to be sedated and needed several stitches. Even the vet was baffled by how such a strange cut could have happened. I think she actually said "If only you could talk little girl, you'd have some kind of interesting story..."

Best we can figure, we found some blood and bird feathers on the chicken wire surrounding her enclosure. That crazy kitty tried to pounce a bird on the other side of the wire! From the looks of it she almost got it too. Bet she'll think twice before trying that again. At least I hope so...
That breaks my heart! Poor kitty!
Oh poor baby!