Published Friday, December 30, 2005 by MiniMolli.
Check it out, make your own and be sure to leave a comment with a link for me to see! Enjoy!
You can also see mine
Published Thursday, December 29, 2005 by MiniMolli.

Apparently we're supposed to post our favorite HNT pic of the year. However since I haven't been doing this very long you can still see my favorite on this page. Scroll down to Happy HNT! from Dec. 15. Or click
here. That is by far my favorite so far.
I love the stockings in this photo. I actually forgot I had them until recently. I bought them in Norway and I definately don't wear them enough! Happy HNT!!
Oh, I almost forgot - no new beads to post yet. All the beads from last week turned out horrible. I think the annealer was too hot and they all got gunk on them and lost some of their shape. Oh well, live and learn. Just means I'll know better next time.
Published Wednesday, December 28, 2005 by MiniMolli.
It's official the "Time to Make the Donuts!"
gentleman died. In other news, Gnat has heart palpatations, but was reached for comment and quoted:
Published Thursday, December 22, 2005 by MiniMolli.

Happy HNT! Apparently we are supposed to do some special christmas hnt today but since I never got the memo I'm not doin it! nah. I took this photo a couple of weeks ago. You can sort of see xmas lights in the background. We have the lights strung across the brick face of our fireplace. No lights on the mantle this year, not only because they caught on fire last xmas but because we STILL haven't replaced the mantle. I know, we suck.
I worked at the glass shop again last night. I think I made about 7 or 8 beads in 3 hours. Stay tuned for photos I still have to go pick them up today. Cross your fingers that none of them broke.
Oh, and you might notice I've removed the link to the gnat on account of he really sucks and he deleted his blog. I really don't know why except that he wasn't happy with the direction it was going. Maybe he'll start a new one for those of us who really like reading his random mind dumps. Huh gnat? huh? huh?!
Published Monday, December 19, 2005 by MiniMolli.

I think this may be my new addiction. While I do enjoy glassblowing that damn furnace is so freakin hot! If you've ever been in a glass shop you know what I mean. My skin literally breaks out if I stand near it too long. 2300 degrees will do that to you. I know that your body builds tolerance to the heat after a while but damn it's hot!
Maybe I'll get into it more after the furnace is built at the house and I can practice in the back yard whenever I feel like
it. But, until then I'm hooked on flameworking. There's something about playing with a large flame and molten glass. It's mesmerizing, relaxing, yet energizing all at the same time. I can't wait to do it again.
Here is a sample of what I've made so far. I know they're not very exciting but I'm still a beginner. I'm allowed to suck for a while. This shit is a lot more difficult than you think!
Oh, and on a side note: WARNING: Christmas Party + open bar + owner who lets you refill your own beer from the tap = Not so good Monday morning.
On days like today it comes in handy to be able to work on the couch in my pajamas!
Published Thursday, December 08, 2005 by MiniMolli.
So you may or may not notice I've changed the look of my blog. I didn't like the old template at all so I sort of put together another one. I like it - for now.
On to the HNT (half nekkid thursday). I think it's a fun idea and a reason to take creative photos. Plus, who wouldn't like seeing half nekkid pictures of strangers once a week?! There's a link to the rules/descriptions on the sidebar. It will also give me a reason to try and post at least once a week.
So, here's my photo for today - it's a little shy but maybe i'll warm up in the weeks to come.